Due to a sedentary lifestyle, a standing job or a lack of time to move, we are increasingly experiencing back pain. Often, even after a night’s rest, our spine is still stiff and sore and there is a lack of flexibility in movement. Did you know that EMS training, used by astronauts and Formula 1 drivers, among others, can help you fight back pain? Regular training can relieve back pain in a really short time, and you no longer have to be rich to benefit from this technology.
EMS can be performed both by people who already suffer from back pain, but also as a preventive measure to avoid back problems from developing. Even if you don’t have a back problem, it’s worth thinking about the right exercises before the problem occurs. Muscle electrostimulation is an innovative workout that activates the back muscles. As they begin to work intensively, they also begin to do their job better – relieving stress on the joints and spine. Stronger muscles mean a stronger spine.
You will achieve the effects of electrostimulation muscle training really quickly. A study of a group practising EMS showed that after just two weeks, some of them were experiencing significant relief or cessation of back pain, and after six weeks, up to 60% of people were satisfied with the results. In fact, after just one workout you will feel a significant difference in the reduction of back discomfort. This is why astronauts, Formula 1 drivers and US soldiers, among others, are keen to use the technology.
As you can see, the benefits of training are many. The unquestionable advantage is its simplicity and speed. It is also a safe workout for people who have not exercised before and have not developed muscle mass.
EMS training is not yet so popular in all gyms or fitness clubs. If you want to benefit from electrostimulation muscle training in your area and under the guidance of an experienced trainer, come to Studio Sante. Our excellent location in Warsaw will save you a lot of time and our personal trainers will design a customised training for your spine.
Strefa Saun
Very good
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Warszawa, ul. Jagiellońska 55A
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Warszawa, ul. Jagiellońska 5A
Studio Sante Klinika Zdrowia
Warszawa, ul. Jagiellońska 55A