Professional physiotherapy
Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? Do you feel unbearable tension in your back, shoulders and arms? Do you get painful muscle cramps? Have you suffered an injury or injury? Have you overloaded your muscles during training or competition? Haven’t you returned to full fitness after surgery? Do you saffer from spine or joint degeneration? Or are you just tired of living in pain? Individual rehabilitation is an effective way to get rid of chronic pain, reduce somatic symptoms of stress, such as: headaches, muscle tension, tightness in the throat, tingling, and a radical improvement in well-being!
Lymphatic drainage shapes the silhouette, helps fight cellulite and facilitates weight loss. It is an effective and fast solution in the elimination of swelling. Improves the condition and appearance of the skin. Perfectly relaxing and soothing. By accelerating lymph circulation, it promotes detoxification of the body. It also speeds up rehabilitation after injury. Lymphatic drainage is not only a relief, but a treatment that immediately improves your wellbeing.
Lymphatic drainage – partial
Lymphatic drainage
Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from back pain? Benefit from fascia therapy! The aim of fascial-muscular therapy is to permanently improve the condition of the whole body, not just to eliminate external symptoms. Fascial therapy or musculo-fascial therapy is an effective and modern form of rehabilitation that involves working consciously with the body. It is based on the concept of musculo-fascial bands, developed by American physiotherapist Tom Myers. It is effective against muscle pain, joint pain, back pain and even headaches resulting from poor movement patterns.
Fascial-muscular therapy (50 min)
Fascial-muscular therapy (65 min)
Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? Feeling unbearable muscle tension in your back, shoulders, arms? Do you experience painful muscle cramps? Have you suffered an injury or trauma? Strained your muscles during training or competition? Not fully recovered from surgery? Do you suffer from spinal or joint degeneration? Or are you simply fed up with living in pain? Individual rehabilitation is an effective way to get rid of chronic pain, reduce somatic symptoms of stress such as headaches, muscle tension, tightness in the throat, tingling, and radically improve your well-being!
Individual physiotherapy (50 min)
Individual physiotherapy (65 min)
Kinesiotaping relieves muscle and joint pain. Reduces pain in the spine and limbs, including radiating pain and post-operative pain. Improves joint mobility. It can reduce dizziness resulting from nerve compression. It relaxes tight, strained and overstretched muscles. The tapes relieve muscle strain and normalise muscle tension as they take over their function or support their function. This is an excellent way to re-educate muscle function and muscle tension – it supports proper muscle function and maintenance of correct posture. The tapes promote lymph drainage and improve circulation.
Sports massage is recommended for both recreational and professional athletes. It helps keep your muscles in top form! It prepares muscles for increased exertion, strengthens and makes cartilage tissue more flexible and improves bone density, thus counteracting injuries. And after training? It helps to get rid of post-workout muscle soreness more quickly. It brings relief to tense muscles and blockages in the body. Eliminates the effects of overtraining and fatigue.
Sports massage
A therapeutic massage relieves pain, relaxes tight muscles and speeds up the return to full fitness. Improves wellbeing and quality of life. It is a form of massage that targets the cause of the pain, which guarantees its effectiveness. It is the best choice for those dealing with back pain, periarticular conditions and those recovering from injuries and operations. Also recommended for busy people with sedentary and stressful lifestyles.
Therapeutic massage
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Studio Sante & Hotel Sante
Warszawa, ul. Jagiellońska 55A
Therapy Center
Warszawa, ul. Jagiellońska 5A