Arosha bandages | Studio Sante Warszawa

Slimming by wrapping

Arosha bandages

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Cellulite treatments, fat removal, stretch mark reduction, skin improvement and body contouring – all in one treatment? Arosha is a combination of a state-of-the-art cosmetic line and body wrapping with delicate cotton bandages, soaked in a cocktail of active ingredients, producing sensational results. Arosha bandages treatments can also slim down the legs, accelerate the burning of belly fat, reduce swelling and various signs of skin ageing.

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Arosha bandages

They show a lifting, slimming and modelling effect, while providing a push up effect on thighs and bottom. Bandaging is a pleasant and safe body treatment – Arosha bandages are disposable and extremely gentle to the touch. Your body, wrapped in a cocoon of carefully selected active ingredients, absorbs them through the skin much more efficiently. Arosha bandages do not put excessive pressure on the tissues (controlled compression), which eliminates the risk of a dehydrating effect. They are an effective weapon for both water retention in the body and dehydration. The Arosha body treatment can also be performed on people with vascular problems. If you haven’t yet experienced what Arosha bandages are all about, it’s time to give them a try.

Treatment options:

Thighs, buttocks, abdomen – Arosha slimming treatments are the way to go for cellulite and skin improvement. They eliminate excess fatty tissue, help to slim the abdomen and sculpt the body, slim the thighs and lift the buttocks. By stimulating natural lymphatic drainage, they stimulate the removal of toxins from the body.

Arosha ritual and facial treatment – this is a comprehensive body treatment combined with a cosmetic facial treatment tailored to the client’s needs. Slimming the legs, getting rid of cellulite, slimming the body and beauty care – we offer all this in an Arosha body ritual.

The effects of Arosha are visible after just one treatment. For best and long-lasting results, we recommend performing 6-10 treatments spaced every 2-3 days. The number of treatments is recommended by an experienced therapist, taking into account the client’s individual predisposition and expectations.

Arosha – how many treatments?

Arosha bandage treatments should be applied in series, choosing the number of treatments individually.

Arosha bandages – what does the treatment look like?

The treatment with Arosha bandages is always preceded by a body peeling, which thoroughly cleanses the skin and makes the active ingredients from the bandages better absorbed. Then the therapist wraps the selected body part, selecting the appropriate types of Arosha bandages. Typically, at Studio Sante, this stage of the treatment is combined with pressotherapy, which increases the absorption of active ingredients and increases the effectiveness of the treatment and gives a feeling of deep relaxation and relief. At the end of the treatment, we apply a care cream to the body.

Arosha – which parts of the body can undergo treatment?

We can use Arosha bandages to shape the buttocks, abdomen, legs and arms. Arosha products have shaping, firming, tightening, draining, moisturising, anti-ageing properties and, above all, effectively reduce water and fibrous cellulite, removing its causes.

Arosha – indications

Arosha bandages are particularly recommended for the following conditions: cellulite (orange peel), stretch marks, excess weight, localised fatness, loss of skin tone, water retention in the body, dehydration

Arosha bandages – contraindications

Contraindications for Arosha bandages are: phlebitis, circulatory disorders, heart disease, pacemaker, artificial heart valve, lung disease, skin disease, infections with fever, skin fungal infections, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Arosha bandage treatments owe their positive reviews to the large number of satisfied clients who noticed the desired changes in their body. Ladies who use the treatments also emphasise their relaxing nature and the improvement in skin condition provided by Arosha bandages.

Arosha Bandages - Abdominal Treatment

clock icon Duration: 55 min price icon Price: 290zł

Arosha bandages - legs and buttocks treatment

clock icon Duration: 65 min price icon Price: 350zł

Arosha bandages + Derma Oxy (legs and buttocks treatment + face)

clock icon Duration: 95 min price icon Price: 660zł

phone icon22 417 80 90

Please arrive 10 minutes before your treatment.

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Instant body slimming


Stretch mark reduction


Stimulation of toxin removal


Smoothing of skin irregularities


Elimination of swelling and stagnation


Removal of cellulite


Skin tightening


Fat reduction


Skin firming


Supports lymphatic drainage

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