Cooling zone | Studio Sante Warszawa

Hardening the body with cold water

Cooling zone

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Discover the pleasure of tropical rain or a gentle mist of water enveloping your body! Feel refreshed after the sauna, as your face and neckline are cooled by gentle ice crystals! Take a dip in the cooling pool to toughen up your body! Thanks to the correct cooling of the body after sauna, you will refresh and stimulate your organism, feel an increase in vital energy and strengthen your immune system. Your cardiovascular fitness and performance will improve. And your skin? It will become smoother and more radiant, boosting its firmness and elasticity.

Check out the hydrogen spa
Cooling zone
Cooling zone


During cooling, the blood transports more oxygen to the tissues, which improves the function of all body organs. A cool shower is a type of gentle hydromassage that aids weight loss and cellulite reduction. Proper sauning and cooling down activates the body’s detoxification processes and has a soothing effect on the skin. Closing pores, which takes place during cooling, is one of the most important treatments for achieving young and healthy-looking skin. Not only does it have the effect of visibly improving beauty, but it also reduces blackheads, which are the cause of infections and pimples. This is especially important for ladies with oily and combination skin, struggling with excessively enlarged pores. The exceptionally soft water used in our spa is particularly gentle on the skin, soothes and neutralises irritation and makes the skin velvety smooth. It makes hair smooth and silky soft. The cooling that follows the heating promotes the regeneration of collagen fibres. This makes the skin firm and supple, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.


Cooling is a key preventive and therapeutic factor in the sauna. During cooling, heat loss from the body is interrupted, i.e. the body stops sweating. The frequency of heart contractions is then reduced, the blood is heavily saturated with oxygen and the whole body is deeply oxygenated. Respiratory capacity and efficiency is improved. Alternating temperatures from high to (gradually) higher, and then – while cooling down – to lower, is an excellent way to naturally build immunity and toughen the body. Such training makes you more resilient to weather changes, strengthens the immune system and protects against respiratory diseases. Scientific studies have shown that sauna-goers are 10 times less likely to suffer from flu, colds, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Cooling the body refreshes and stimulates, relaxes and increases vital energy levels. After a sauna session with body cooling, you feel refreshed, happy and positively charged with energy.


  • regular showers
  • sensation shower (tropical warm rain, tropical cool rain, mist)
  • Kneipp tubes
  • ice bowl (ice with the consistency of melting snow to cool the face and neckline)
  • cooling pools – indoor and outdoor
  • drinking water – unlimited



  • Inadequate cooling can cause a cold due to persistent blood vessel dilation and persistent sweating. Ensure that your body is thoroughly cooled down.
  • Begin cooling down by rinsing your body in the shower – first with lukewarm, then cool water. Start from the feet, gradually moving up the body. Then take a dip in the cooling pools.
  • Use Kneipp hoses to cool your legs (from feet to knees).


Indoor cooling pool:

  • temperature: approx. 15°C

Outdoor cooling pool:

  • temperature: approx. 15-18°C
phone icon22 417 80 90

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