Steam bath | Studio Sante Warszawa

Steam bath

Steam bath

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Sauning in the steam room cleanses, moisturises and smoothens the skin. Firms and elasticises the skin. Reduces acne symptoms, irritation and allergy symptoms. It is particularly recommended for dry skin. It has a rejuvenating and beautifying effect. It stimulates the metabolism, making it an excellent accelerator of weight loss. Relieves muscle pain and tension. Improves circulation and oxygenation of the body. Inhales and clears the airways. Relaxes and unwinds. Ensures better – peaceful and deep – sleep.

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Steam bath
Steam bath

It also supports detoxification of the body – helping to remove toxins, metabolic products and lactic acid from the body. Regular sessions in the steam bath have the effect of making the skin more elastic and firm, cleansed and smoother. Masks and peelings in the steam bath are an effective way to take care of the skin on the face and all over the body. The steam bath is a great option for those who prefer gentler sauning conditions and want to enjoy silky smooth skin, a calm mind and a relaxed body.

Steam bath

The steam bath is a steam-filled room, lined with ceramic mosaics and equipped with comfortable seating. The lower temperature (40°-44°C) combined with maximum humidity (100%) make this a gentler form of sauning.

Anti-aging effect – smooth and beautiful skin

The 100% humidity steam bath is excellent for moisturising the skin, which improves its elasticity and suppleness. The clouds of steam open the pores, penetrate deep into the skin, cleanse and regenerate it. After a session in the steam bath, the skin of the entire body is smooth, firm and supple. The steam combined with peeling removes impurities from the skin surface and dead skin cells, as well as reduces acne symptoms. It soothes irritations and allergies and after the session, the skin is soft and silky smooth. Steam baths are recommended for those with dry and cracking skin. They enable the skin to better absorb moisturisers. The heat supports the cleansing of the entire body of toxins and effective regeneration. It improves blood circulation and therefore oxygenation and nourishment of the skin. It regenerates collagen fibres, responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin and facial contours. As a result, the steam bath has a rejuvenating and purifying effect.

Faster metabolism, slimmer figure

The steam bath accelerates the removal of metabolic products and toxins from the body, thus effectively aiding weight loss. It triggers the removal of water retained in the body, so weight loss of up to 0.5 kg can be recorded after a session. Regular use of the steam bath has the lasting effect of speeding up the metabolism. A faster metabolism means better digestion of meals, which contributes to faster fat burning and helps in the efforts to achieve a slim figure.

Relaxation and regeneration

A session in the steam bath is beneficial for the muscles. It removes tension and reduces their soreness. Reduces pain caused by arthritis. A steam bath is a great idea for recovery after strenuous exercise, as it helps to remove lactic acid from the muscles and get rid of soreness. The high temperature stimulates the secretion of endorphins (happiness hormones), allowing the body and mind to relax better and the body to reap the benefits of wellness. The steam bath helps with sleep disorders such as trouble falling asleep, frequent waking during the night and shallow sleep. Steam bath sessions make us sleep, feel and look better. Our vitality increases and our energy is restored.

Breathe fully

The steam bath has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Inhales, moisturises and cleanses the airways. Research carried out at the University of Munich between 1983 and 1986 confirmed that steam baths can help treat: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections, runny nose and hoarseness. The steam together with natural aromatic oils intensifies the beneficial effects of the steam bath on the respiratory system. Take a deep breath and enjoy the sensation!

Temperature: 40-44°C
Humidity: 100 %

Tips for a steam bath session

– recommended duration – up to 25 minutes
– enter the steam bath naked, hang your towel on the rack in front of the entrance
– rinse the seat and floor with water from the hoses
– sit or lie down on the seat
– rinse the seat and floor again in the area you used before leaving

Contraindications to saunas

– infections, antibiotic therapy, febrile conditions
– hypertension and blood circulation problems
– anaemia
– susceptibility to bleeding
– diabetes
– cancer
– skin mycoses, skin diseases with purulent lesions and ulcers
– serious kidney, liver, lung diseases
– acute asthmatic and rheumatic conditions
– epilepsy
– psychotic states
– varicose veins
– glaucoma
– endocrine disorders (e.g. hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency)
– carriage of infectious diseases

Excessive overheating should be avoided by pregnant and menstruating women.

Studio Sante is a supporting member of the Polish Sauna Society


phone icon22 417 80 90

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Stimulates the removal of toxins and metabolic products


Moisturises, smoothes and firms the skin and improves blood circulation


Alleviates the adverse effects of stress


Inhales the respiratory tract


Accelerates metabolism and weight loss


Gives the effect of a natural biological renewal of the body.

Karta Podarunkowa Studio Sante

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