Individual physiotherapy | Studio Sante Warszawa

Free yourself from pain

Individual physiotherapy

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Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? Feeling unbearable muscle tension in your back, shoulders, arms? Do you experience painful muscle cramps? Have you suffered an injury or trauma? Strained your muscles during training or competition? Not fully recovered from surgery? Do you suffer from spinal or joint degeneration? Or are you simply fed up with living in pain? Individual rehabilitation is an effective way to get rid of chronic pain, reduce somatic symptoms of stress such as headaches, muscle tension, tightness in the throat, tingling, and radically improve your well-being!

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Individual physiotherapy
Individual physiotherapy

What does a session look like and what does individual rehabilitation involve?

During the session, the physiotherapist first looks for the causes of the body’s dysfunction. To this end, careful observation of the figure is carried out: assessing muscle tension, imbalance and looking for abnormal movement patterns. At this stage, it is important to obtain information from the patient about their complaints and the course of their comorbidities, as well as the results of diagnostic tests (MRI, ultrasound).

The following forms of body work are used during therapy:

muscle energisation techniques – use a series of active tensions and relaxations to help the muscles regain their normal tension

fascial-muscular release – gentle manipulation of the fascia, restoring its normal structure necessary for the proper nutrition of the tissues and the removal of toxins and metabolic products from them

active relaxation techniques – involves manually blocking tissues and performing active or passive movements to eliminate adhesions, connective tissue adhesions (their presence is often unconscious, but they have a huge impact on the quality and freedom of movement)

trigger point therapy – this uses various forms of pressure on painful areas, most often causing projected pain felt by the patient; the aim of the compressions is to improve blood supply and nutrition to the muscles, restoring their normal function and strength

deep massage – slow, precise movements aimed at elongating muscles, removing adhesions, glues and tensions (not to be confused with very strong pressure)

PNF/neuromuscular guidance – reeducation of correct movement patterns, timing, thus improving efficiency and ergonomics of movement

– finally, the therapist, depending on the needs, offers a way of self-therapy, demonstrates exercises, recommends an appropriate form of regeneration.

Individual physiotherapy (50 min)

clock icon Duration: 50 min price icon Price: 220zł

Individual physiotherapy (65 min)

clock icon Duration: 65 min price icon Price: 210zł

phone icon22 417 80 90

Please arrive 10 minutes before your treatment.

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Effects of individual rehabilitation:


Pain reduction


Improved movement patterns


Muscle relaxation and stretching


Restoring muscle and fascial balance, resulting in improved posture


Improved blood supply and nutrition to muscles and fascias


Improved well-being


Increase in muscle strength


Reduction of stress symptoms

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